Crisis Management Exercise (CME) verifies the effectiveness of business continuity and contingency plans and develops own guidance and staff competence on how to act in an exceptional situation, both as individuals and as an organization. By varying the training theme and recycling the responsible persons, the level of competence is increased and the number of people with experience in crisis and crisis management is increased.
Trainings and crisis management exercises focus on training the management process, supporting crisis communication and situational picture formation. It is essential to work seamlessly within the company as well as with the main subcontractors, cooperation partners and authorities.
Exercises tailored to the organization and always corresponding to individually defined objectives guarantee the best results.
The method of execution of the exercise is always chosen based on the set goal.
Desktop Exercises. The lightest exercise, suitable for preparatory exercises for functional exercises, risk identification and risk management development, awareness raising and training, and reviewing the timeliness and usefulness of emergency response models.
Interactie crisis management exercises. Game-based and interactive crisis management exercise, especially for training in crisis management, communication and organizational operations in exceptional situations, as well as verification of the operating model of exceptional situations in practice.
Operational tests and exercises are suitable for practical testing, for example, in relation to functioning or recovery during a disturbance.
We always carry out our exercises in a tailor-made manner and the training platform we use increases the realism of the exercise. From the training platform, you can follow the news in the media and participate in writing on social media. When agreed separately A professional journalist is involved in the exercise, giving participants the opportunity to practice working with the media in real-life situations.
The benefits of well-designed exercises include:
improvement of management crisis preparedness
improvement of organizational capacity and resilience, increased confidence in coping with exceptional situations
Clarification of responsibilities and roles, development of operating methods in exceptional situations
improved safety through observations, identification of development targets
a better understanding of the dependencies of systems and functions and the impact of potential disruptions on operations
development of internal and external communication
better understanding and cooperation with partners.
What our customers say
“The varied and demanding exercise tested our plans and showed how important it is to test the plans with practical training. As a result of the exercise, a lot of new ideas were created, on the basis of which we will develop our activities.”
Power grid company
“Continuity Consulting Oy organized an exercise for us to test the cooperation between the Group Management and the medical area, the arrangements for crisis communication and the functionality of our preparedness practices. During the day, we received a lot of development ideas for developing plans at different organizational levels.”
Hospital District
“For the exercise, Continuity Consulting created a situation-appropriate training framework that excellently tested our organization's ability to respond in a crisis and was inspiring for all participants.”