Continuity plan

Continuity Management and Continuity Plan

The objective of Business Continuity Management (BCM) is to improve the resilience of the company and to ensure the rapid start-up of the company's business after various disruptions and to reduce the resulting disadvantages.

Continuity management is part of the normal operations of the company and should be included as a continuous process in the company's management system. With good planning, the company ensures that it will be able to continue its operations with minimal losses and meet its obligations even if operations are disrupted due to some internal or external event. If disruptions are not prepared in advance, they can cause significant interruptions in operations, financial losses and, in the worst case, the closure of the company's operations.

At its best, well-executed business continuity management increases the value of the company and improves competitiveness. Companies also play an important role in ensuring the functioning of society in the event of major disruptions and thus business continuity management is part of the company's corporate social responsibility.
Business Continuity Plan The Business Continuity Plan (BCP) or contingency plan is a key part of continuity management and helps to act effectively in both anticipated and unforeseen disruptions. A continuity plan should be reviewed and updated regularly, taking into account changes in the operating environment. Crisis management exercises are an excellent way to familiarize staff with the operating methods defined in the continuity plan.
We assist our customers in the development of the continuity management model and contingency planning and the implementation of the continuity plan a model based on best practice and in accordance with the ISO 22301 standard for continuity management, adapted to the needs of each organisation.

Crisis Communication Plan as part of the Continuity Plan.

Crisis communication is challenging and requires preparation and flexibility to manage situations. The aim is to effectively and responsibly communicate information to staff, stakeholders, the public and the media about the nature, impact, measures and recovery plans of the crisis. Professional and responsible crisis communication helps an organization reduce damage, maintain reputation, and build trust with stakeholders.

In a crisis situation, fast and real-time communication is important. The various parties should be informed immediately of the onset of the crisis, its extent, possible dangers and measures to manage the situation. Real-time communication helps prevent rumors and misinformation.
Open and honest communication is another key feature of crisis communication. The organization must communicate truthful and reliable information to stakeholders. Obscure or evasive releases cause mistrust and speculation. The bulletins shall contain information on the cause, impact, measures and objectives of the crisis. In crisis communication, care must be taken to interact with stakeholders and listen to their concerns and questions. The organisation should respond to inquiries and comments, provide clear guidance and offer support. In the event of a crisis, various communication channels can be used, such as websites, social media, briefings and the media.
We develop crisis communication that is closely linked to business disruption management by assisting in the preparation of crisis communication plans and practical training in the communication of disruption situations. We develop management performance skills by brushing them off in interviews and briefings by a professional journalist. We educate management to take into account the influence of the media and utilize the media in management.

What our customers say

“The varied and demanding exercise tested our plans and showed how important it is to test the plans with practical training. As a result of the exercise, a lot of new ideas were created, on the basis of which we will develop our activities.”
Power grid company
“Continuity Consulting Oy organized an exercise for us to test the cooperation between the Group Management and the medical area, the arrangements for crisis communication and the functionality of our preparedness practices. During the day, we received a lot of development ideas for developing plans at different organizational levels.”
Hospital District
“For the exercise, Continuity Consulting created a situation-appropriate training framework that excellently tested our organization's ability to respond in a crisis and was inspiring for all participants.”
Water supply plant

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